
Donations over $2 are tax deductible. If donating via direct bank deposit or via Paypal please use the Contact form below to request that a receipt be sent to your email address. Donations via a project (below) will have receipts automatically issued.

You can donate through our bank account

  • Bank: Westpac
  • Account name: Found Hearts
  • BSB: 034122
  • Account number: 728660

Or via Paypal

  • our PayPal email address is:

Or would you like to donate to a current project?

  • Currently we have a Feed the Sanctuary Animals project
  • for details of how to donate online to that project, click here

Contact Us

We would love to help. Feel free to say hello!

Prefer a personal touch? Call +61 458 511 838

give us a shout and lets have a chat